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Workplace Disability Accessibility and Accommodation: The Role of HR Professionals

Diversity and Inclusion, Disability Management, Human Resources, Leadership, Mental Health, Psychosocial Factors, Future of Work
130 1hr
The employment rate of people with disabilities globally is 44%, compared with 75% for people without disabilities. In a US study, few organizations (25%) reported having explicit organizational goals related to the recruitment and hiring of people with disabilities.

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Employers around the globe are beginning to acknowledge that people with disabilities make reliable and productive employees, and that having a diverse workforce inclusive of those with a disability makes for a sound business case. The accessibility of employment processes and accommodations for individuals with disabilities needing adjustments to obtain or retain employment are critical to address these employment disparities.  For many organizations, human resources professionals are the gateway into employment. This webinar will provide insights in to the role of HR professionals in disability accessibility and accommodation.

Take-home messages:

  • In Canada, one in five (22%) of the Canadian population aged 15 years and over – or about 6.2 million individuals – have one or more disabilities.
  • In a US study, only 25% of organizations reported having explicit organizational goals related to the recruitment and hiring of people with disabilities.
  • Most accommodation requests in the workplace come from people who do not have disabilities. There is a return of $28.69 for every dollar invested in accommodation.

Learning Outcomes

Learn about other organizations' practices and policies for accessibility and accommodation, including information and communication technology
Learn about effective accommodation policies based on research
Learn the business case - why cost is not a barrier to recruitment of people with disabilities
Learn about the difference between accessibility, accommodation and universal design
Dispel some myths; e.g. who frequently requests accommodations in the workplace

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Corporate memberships are Corporate organizations that have partnered with the Work Wellness Institute to have access to membership benefits for all its employees. This membership includes additional perks beyond the individual membership. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are 1 vote per organization.

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