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The Role of the Bystander: Creating a Harassment-free Workplace

Mental Health, Psychosocial Factors
130 1 hr
septembre 27, 2023 | 9 AM PT |12 PM ET
You will leave our workshop knowing tangible tools you can consider if you see harassment happening in your workplace.

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Our interactive session will support you in identifying what harassment looks like, explore options of what to do when it happens, and how to support a colleague if they are harmed in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes

Harassment Overview and its impact on the workplace
Role of the employer
Bystander Intervention training


Nicole White, BISW, BSW
Project Lead, Enough Already Nicole (she/her) has been the Project Lead for Enough Already for the last four years. Enough Already strives to prevent and address sexual harassment in SK workplaces. She is an award-winning community organizer, advocate, and builder. She's worked in community for two decades engaging marginalized communities. In her spare time, she started the non-profit, Moon Time Sisters, a menstrual equity group that has sent two million products to northern and remote communities. She strives to always put community first.

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