Reena Khullar Sharma, Founder & CEO of Agilis Executive Consulting, is a global Executive Consultant with a background in Human Resources leadership strategy and development. Reena is recognized for her innovation in launching a global consulting firm during the pandemic, inspiring leadership growth for clients around the world through her coaching advantage.
She has specialized in developing and implementing business strategies unique to an organization’s corporate culture, providing a competitive advantage for its people, business and strategic success. Reena is a member and contributor of the Forbes™ Coaches Council, where she contributes to Forbes™ on topics related to Entrepreneurship, Executive Leadership and Professional Development. In addition, Reena contributes to Entrepreneur Media™ to inspire, inform and celebrate entrepreneurs; highlighting the importance of agility in entrepreneurship, while offering actionable steps for readers to take away and start their own entrepreneurship journeys. Reena is also a member of the Harvard Business Review™ Advisory Council, and provides research and insight in shaping the content developed on management and leadership. In 2021, Reena trained to become an Accredited Partner with Smart Collaboration™ International for the SMART COLLABORATION ACCELERATOR, a psychometric assessment that supports consulting engagements for clients in every industry and every country across the globe; transforming the world of virtual work.