Dr. Dwayne Van Eerd is a scientist at the Institute for Work & Health, where he has been a researcher since 1997. He has an MSc and BSc in kinesiology from the University of Waterloo, an MSc in health research methodology from McMaster University, and a PhD in work and health from the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Upon getting his MSc in kinesiology, Van Eerd got his start in occupational health and safety research in a clinical setting, studying musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of the upper body in musicians, painters, writers and other artists. Now a scientist with the Institute for Work & Health, he focuses primarily on the prevention of MSDs, as well as on the implementation of programs and practices to prevent work injury and disability related to physical and mental health. His research projects include evaluations of participatory ergonomics interventions, evaluations of workplace MSD and mental health practices/programs and their implementation, and systematic reviews of the prevention literature. Van Eerd also practices and researches integrated knowledge transfer and exchange.