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Turning Research into Practice Faster: A Toolkit for Knowledge Generation and Mobilization During Disruptive Events

In rapidly changing environments, the ability to quickly transform research into actionable knowledge is essential. Our brand new “Turning Research into Practice Faster” toolkit, developed with support from the Canadian Red Cross, offers practical resources to help researchers and practitioners respond swiftly and effectively during disruptive events.

This toolkit provides:

· A comprehensive life-cycle approach: from problem identification to continuous evaluation, ensuring research aligns with real-world needs.

· Knowledge Translation and Mobilization (KTEM): actionable strategies for accelerating the use of research in practice, particularly during crises like public health emergencies, natural disasters, and economic upheavals.

· Tools and guidelines for qualitative interviews, surveys, and participatory action research, ensuring that diverse voices and stakeholders are included in the research process.

By leveraging the strategies outlined in this toolkit, researchers, policymakers, and organizations will be better equipped to rapidly respond to crises, turning insights into immediate action. Whether you are working on workplace health, safety, or social welfare, our toolkit equips you with the tools needed to address urgent needs efficiently.

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