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Building Capacity

'Building Capacity' is a three-year project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), that will build capacity for the Work Wellness Institute to plan, deliver and evaluate our programs and deliverables.

With the funding of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), ‘Building Capacity’ will assist us in partnering with the global community of researchers, employers, people with disabilities and other stakeholder (e.g., governments, labour organizations, occupational health and safety professionals, public and private insurers).

The Work Wellness Institute will provide credible, science-informed, practical tools and educational resources to facilitate employment retention, return to work, and inclusion of people with impairments and disabilities. We will support work participation for those at risk of, or living with, chronic and episodic health-related challenges.

We have established a National Worker Health Advisory Committee that works collaboratively to address existing and evolving social issues facing people with disabilities and their work participation.

We are engaging academic researchers via a Review Committee to support the creation of the WWi Portal; a global hub of high-quality research and evidence-based resources related to the creation and maintenance of inclusive workplaces. The portal has helped informed decision making with the content of the workplace.

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