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Wellness Improvement Tips to Return to Work Well

Human Resources, Leadership, Mental Health, Return-to-Work

Are you preparing to return to work? – Whether it’s following a break from work, a vacation or an extended leave – being prepared to return to work well is an integral step.

While most of us want to stay well, we often struggle with the steps to stay well.   In this blog , we will explore how our wellness in one element of our wellbeing affects other aspects. Here are some tips for your mind and body to help you transition back to the world of work.

Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness is important for us to contribute to our work and life, however, work itself can get in the way of us maintaining our physical wellness. I find that to be physically well, we need to stay spiritually and socially well, which benefits us occupationally. Here are some physical wellness tips to help you stay well at work:

  • Sleep – Go to sleep 30 – 45 minutes earlier
  • Increase hydration – Add 1-3 more fluids to you day
  • Movement – add more steps to your routine
  • Rest – take time to rest and refresh
  • Meal Prep – plan your meals for the week

Good Spiritual Wellness will also help build your self-esteem and allow you to plan to maintain balance and self-confidence for a new work year. Here are some spiritual wellness tips to consider:

Spiritual Wellness Tips

  • Values – Review your personal values
  • Vision – Create a vision of how your days will include well-being
  • Beliefs – Check negative beliefs that may be limiting you
  • Balance – aim to maintain balance of work and rest

Another area when we need to pay close attention is your social wellness as this too is important in your ability to maintain a high level of occupational wellness. Here are some tips to stay socially well at work this year:

Social Wellness Tips

  • Network – set time for healthy social interactions at work
  • Consideration – look for ways to be more considerate to co-workers
  • Family – Set time to be with family during the year
  • Hospitality – Attend social events in and outside work

The other area of focus I want to touch on is occupational wellness, it is very important for you to manage your career and how it unfolds. This is too important to ignore. Take the time to review and plan your career goals for this year and how you will attain them. Here are some tips to help you in this area:

Occupational Wellness Tips

  • Career – Review your career goals
  • Leadership – Set a time to connect with your leader in a positive way
  • Performance – Commit to improving your performance this year
  • Professionalism – identify one way you can improve your professional image at work


This blog was written by Joyce Odidison, a prominent speaker part of the  Work Wellness Institute Speakers Bureau. To learn more about Joyce Odidison and to request her for YOUR next work wellness event, visit the Work Wellness Institute Speakers Bureau page.

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