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Immigrant Workers: Using Drawings to Convey Health and Safety Messages

130 1 Hour
In collaboration with Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. New immigrants constitute a population vulnerable to workplace injury, however relatively few studies have been undertaken to elicit their perspectives.

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This presentation reports on an arts-based study exploring experiences of recent immigrants adjusting to Canadian work environments and their understanding of occupational health-and-safety messaging delivered through drawing- and text-based formats.

Drs. Janet Parsons and Linn Holness will talk about the study’s results and reflect upon their experiences of incorporating arts-based methods into the research process.

Learning Outcomes

The growing use of arts-based research and knowledge translation approaches in health care
Experiences of workers newly immigrated to Canada with respect to occupational health and safety messaging
Experience of our team incorporating drawing into the research process


Janet Parsons
Dr. Parsons is a research scientist at the Applied Health Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and the Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, as well as an academic fellow at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She has a program of research specializing in the development and application of qualitative narrative and arts-based methods, which she uses to address a wide range of health care topics (including work and health). She is a health services researcher with a particular interest in health equity.
Linn Holness
Dr. Holness is Director of the Division of Occupational Medicine, Department of Medicine, as well as a Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She is Division Director for Occupational Medicine at St. Michael's Hospital, and Director of the Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease. Her research interests in occupational health are broad, covering a variety of topics including occupational disease and its identification, occupational health services and occupational health and safety in the context of specific populations such as vulnerable workers.

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