An increased interest in corporate social responsibility has raised questions about the impact organizations have on employee well-being. But what is well-being? Drawing on the positive psychology movement, the definition of well-being has been broadened beyond the reduction of illness. For her research, Dr. Barrio defines employee well-being as the growth of the employee as a person through actions taken within or outside the workplace to improve the lives of others. In other words, a person’s well-being is enhanced when they contribute to others. The study identified manager behaviors that inspire, facilitate, or support employee caring activities.
Take-home messages:
- Well-being is more than the absence of illness.
- Other-oriented goals, such as contributing to the lives of others, are associated with well-being and personal growth.
- Although existing research supports the notion that an essential activity of managers is employee growth, there is limited research that examines specific manager behaviors associated with employee growth.
- Managers can play a role in enhancing employee growth by engaging in behaviors that fall into one of four themes.