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WWi Conference Series: Exploring the Future of the Workplace

Disruption in the Workplace, Human Resources, Future of Work
130 5hr
June 9, 2022 | 9AM PT | 12PM PT
These recent years have changed how we live, communicate, and work in ways we couldn't have predicted. It has impacted our approach in understanding resilience and highlights the need to build skills to handle times of disruption in the workplace. As we continue to move forward in our workplace practices, organizations must consider how the landscape of this unknown future will affect everyone and every workplace. Everyone has a role to play in building a culture that leverages diverse points of view, elicits new insights, and creates sustainable value. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a leader that can be on the forefront of change in your organization.

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Our panels of academic and industry experts will be guiding participants through the multi-layered process of preparing for the future of work with the opportunity to attend 3 distinct presentations. All bringing a variety of approaches and perspectives to weave together ideas and practical implementation tools to take back to your workplace.


Navigating the Hybrid Workplace

9:00am-10:30am PT

Today’s economy is increasingly based on human qualities such as connectivity, innovation and collaboration, so business leaders must create workplaces that honour and respect our human strengths and vulnerabilities. Creating workplaces which support whole person wellness is the key to unlocking human potential.

Choosing a job can be one of the most important health decisions you will make in your life! Your job has the potential to have a profound positive – or negative – impact on your health. It is impossible to be a healthy organisation with unhealthy employees, just as it is impossible to be a healthy employee in an unhealthy organisation: the two inextricably linked and highly interdependent. The ambition is to create healthy organisations with healthy employees – this is the sweet spot of sustainability – and build resilient people in a resilient organisation.

Most organizations take a very narrow view of heath. Our integrated approach considers four pillars of wellbeing: Purpose, Mental Resilience, Connection and Physical Health. This model recognizes the interconnectedness of mental and physical health and the important role that workplaces play in supporting it.

Download Slides – Navigating the Hybrid Workplace


Worker Wellbeing and the Gig Economy


The growing adoption of advanced digital technologies coupled with sociodemographic shifts, globalization and ecological changes represent driving forces in what many term: “the future of work”. The future of work is disrupting every industry and has the potential to contribute to the decline of standard work arrangements and the growth of more precarious forms of employment including gig work. It also shapes people’s livelihoods, including their care relationships, and strategies about how to survive and thrive in these changing contexts.

Our presentation will describe key dimensions of the future of work and their impacts on diverse people living with disabilities. We will highlight evidence on how each dimension of the future of work will impact the work and livelihood arrangements to which people living with disabilities contribute.

Download Slides – Worker Wellbeing and the Gig Economy


The Impact of Technology on Worker Wellbeing


Technology is ubiquitous, easily accessible but also mysterious.  Ingrained within our daily lives, it has the ability to transform either positively or negatively and we have an active choice and role to play in its deployment. The future of work is being shaped by rapid changes in the workplace, work, and workforce. Driven by advances in industry known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, this movement began in the early 2000s and is marked by the accelerated pace of developments connecting people, places, and things.

All these advances and developments have implications for worker safety, health, and well-being and require innovative occupational safety and health strategies. This presentation will explore the key questions we should ask in the workplace as we engage with technology.

Download Slides – The Impact of Technology on Worker Wellbeing




Downloadable Resources

Navigating the Hybrid Workplace Infographic

Worker Wellbeing and the Gig Economy

The Impact of Technology on Worker Wellbeing


Learning Outcomes

Join like-minded people in an online environment where you can chat, connect and learn together.
Explore important topics and prepare for the -future of work- whatever that may look like for you.
Reflect, think critically and learn from experts in their field.

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What is the difference between Corporate membership & Individual membership?

Corporate memberships are Corporate organizations that have partnered with the Work Wellness Institute to have access to membership benefits for all its employees. This membership includes additional perks beyond the individual membership. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are 1 vote per organization.

For more information regarding the unique benefits of a corporate membership, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Individual memberships are directly affiliated with Work Wellness Institute and include voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The list of individual membership benefits can be found at the top of the membership page membership page

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