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The Critical Importance of Cultivating Psychologically Healthy & Safe Work Environments

Leadership, Mental Health, Occupational Health & Safety
130 1 Hour
National developments in workplace mental health over the last decade culminated in the 2013 release of the CSA/BNQ National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health & Safety (PH&S) in the Workplace.

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This Standard – which is the first of its kind in the world, and is now informing the developing of an international ISO Standard – comprises a set of voluntary guidelines, tools, and resources focused on promoting employees’ psychological health, and preventing psychological harm due to workplace factors. In her webinar, Dr. Samra whose research over the last decade has significantly contributed to the evolution and development of the Standard – will address the legal, business and health cases for why all workplaces need to dedicate efforts to creating psychologically healthy and safe work environments. She will provide practical, action-based strategies which all employers can begin to take next steps on. Dr. Samra is a Founding and Ongoing Member of the CSA Technical Committee that developed the Standard, and is the lead Research Scientist who developed the 13 psychosocial factor Assessment-Action-Evaluation frame adopted by the CSA Standard.

Take-home messages:

  • The World Health Organization identifies mental health issues as the leading cause of worldwide disability.
  • Every week, there are 500,000 Canadians unable to work due to mental health issues.
  • Mental health conditions are projected to cost the Canadian economy $88.8 billion by 2021.
  • Investing in mental health has clear benefits on the bottom line. Companies with mental health programs in place for one year had a median annual ROI of $1.62 for every dollar invested – with the ROI more than doubling for companies with programs in place for three or more years


Learning Outcomes

What the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace is, and the health, business, and legal reasons all employers should care.
The 13 psychosocial factors within the Standard.
The critical importance of fostering psychologically safe leadership


Joti Samra
Dr. Joti Samra is a national thought leader on issues relating to psychological health, wellness & resilience – and has been heavily involved in research, policy and consulting work around the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace, since inception. Dr. Samra is the lead Research Scientist who developed the 13-factor frame in the Standard – and she is a founding and ongoing member of the CSA Technical Committee that developed the Standard. This Standard is the first of its kind in the world, and is shaping policy development for workplace psychological health & safety at the international level ISO level. Dr. Samra is the Clinic Founder of Dr. Joti Samra, R.Psych. & Associates – with a team of clinical counsellors offering in-office and online (virtual) therapy services throughout BC. She is also the CEO & Founder of MyWorkplaceHealth, a full-suite national workplace consulting firm. Dr. Samra has a team of growing associates, industry experts and consultants across Canada who have extensive expertise in all things related to psychological health and safety strategy and implementation, leadership/management training, and enhancement of employee resiliency.

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