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Supporting the Labour Market Participation of Millennial Young Adults with Chronic Episodic Health Conditions

Disability Management, Human Resources, Leadership, Future of Work
130 1 hr

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Millennials represent a growing proportion of the labour market. A chronic episodic disease can be a source of unpredictability that add to the challenges Millennials face in finding and sustaining employment. Tailored policies and programs within the workplace have an important role in supporting the labour market engagement of young adults with episodic health conditions.

Learning Outcomes

Unique employment experiences of Millennial young adults including the current labour market conditions that may constrain involvement in full-time and full-year employment.
Experience of entering the labour market with a chronic episodic disability including the unpredictability and potential challenges with disease disclosure.
Life course theory and its application to the field of work and health.
Accommodations that may benefit the employment of Millennial young adults with chronic episodic health conditions. We will also describe some of the barriers they may face to accessing supports at work.
Directions for future research, policy and practice which focus on Millennial young adults as they transition further into their careers.

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350+ Lectures on Demand, 20+ e-Courses, 3 Certifications, Accreditations

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How can I receive a certificate for a course that I have attended?

If you hold a membership with Work Wellness Institute, a certificate of completion will be sent to your email after meeting the requirements of the course or lecture on demand. Please note that a minimum 50-minute attendance is required to be eligible for a certificate of completion.

What is the difference between Corporate membership & Individual membership?

Corporate memberships are Corporate organizations that have partnered with the Work Wellness Institute to have access to membership benefits for all its employees. This membership includes additional perks beyond the individual membership. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are 1 vote per organization.

For more information regarding the unique benefits of a corporate membership, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Individual memberships are directly affiliated with Work Wellness Institute and include voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The list of individual membership benefits can be found at the top of the membership page membership page

Do you have any further inquiries regarding memberships or certifications?

Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

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