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Organizational Stress and Wellbeing Interventions

Human Resources, Mental Health, Psychosocial Factors
130 1 Hour
There is increasing scientific evidence that psychosocial constraints, such as high psychological demands, low decision latitude, weak social support and an imbalance between effort and the recognition received at work, contribute to the development of mental health problems and are among the main causes of work absence due to illness.

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While many agree that “psychological health at work is everyone’s business” (employees, unions, employers, managers, etc.), it is unclear how organizations can effectively implement interventions. Organizational interventions are complex and include multiple activities that simultaneously influence many psychosocial risk factors.

Although a number of studies have shown that such interventions can effectively improve mental health in the workplace, very few have attempted to explore the factors that may facilitate or hinder their implementation. Managers play a key role in implementing preventive interventions in the workplace but it is unclear what affects their practices.

In this webinar, Caroline Biron presents the results of a research project that aimed to identify the conditions facilitating and hindering the adoption by managers of management practices promoting the psychological health of their staff.

Learning Outcomes

There are psychosocial constraints affecting mental health and that are costly for individuals and organizations
Organizational interventions can be relevant to prevent mental health problems and several studies have shown promising results
Interventions can be difficult to implement and managers are highly involved
Managers perceiving that their organization is concerned about the mental health are more likely to adopt management practices that promote health. The adoption of these practices is also influenced by their own mental health and their won psychosocial work environment.

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If you hold a membership with Work Wellness Institute, a certificate of completion will be sent to your email after meeting the requirements of the course or lecture on demand. Please note that a minimum 50-minute attendance is required to be eligible for a certificate of completion.

What is the difference between Corporate membership & Individual membership?

Corporate memberships are Corporate organizations that have partnered with the Work Wellness Institute to have access to membership benefits for all its employees. This membership includes additional perks beyond the individual membership. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are 1 vote per organization.

For more information regarding the unique benefits of a corporate membership, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Individual memberships are directly affiliated with Work Wellness Institute and include voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The list of individual membership benefits can be found at the top of the membership page membership page

Do you have any further inquiries regarding memberships or certifications?

Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

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