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Effective Mentoring Practices for the Workplace Job Coach

Diversity and Inclusion, Human Resources, Leadership
225 1.5-3hrs

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Welcome to Effective Mentoring Practices for the Workplace Job Coach. This course explores best practices for job coaching to employees, including those living with disabilities in employment-based, education or other settings.  

This course explores the information and skills necessary to be an effective coach for learners in your workplace.  

In this course, you will become familiar with the full process of becoming an effective coach. This includes learning the characteristics of a good coach, identifying the different types of learners and how the two are connected, who is accountable for what responsibilities within the coaching process, providing feedback and developing a fulsome coaching plan.   


This program is aimed at personnel who fill the role of a job coach (i.e. management, leadership, project leads) seeking to become more effective in coaching learners in their workplace. 

Course Value to Learners:

  • Step by step look at job coaching process from both the coach and learner perspective
  • Easy to follow images, diagrams and graphics to re-enforce learning
  • Fillable templates throughout to support learning and put into practice now
  • Mixed learning mediums: animation videos, reflections, quizzes, activities, text
  • TGoolkit for developing a coaching plan with templates to support learning and put into practice now as well as being able to utilize templates to replicate for future needs
  • Multiple ways provided to take your learning and put into action at your workplace; inclusive of templates and tools beyond in-course content  

Course Structure

This course is anticipated to take between 1.5-3 hours to complete. Information in this course is presented through a series of animations supported by text, opportunities to test your knowledge and reflect on your learning along with a fulsome participant guide and action steps to implement your learning in the workplace. It is separated into modules and your progress is automatically saved, so feel free to complete at your own pace.  

Learning Outcomes

Look to increase ability in evaluating personal skills which may be used for job coaching
Define the role and characteristics of a good job coach
Identify the five characteristics of learners and their interrelation within the Coach-Learner Relationship
Broaden your understanding of the Coaching Process, including the key components of effective coaching and distribution of responsibilities
Look to provide increasingly fulsome and constructive feedback appropriate to the coaching situation
Apply your knowledge of job coaching to develop a training plan

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How can I receive a certificate for a course that I have attended?

If you hold a membership with Work Wellness Institute, a certificate of completion will be sent to your email after meeting the requirements of the course or lecture on demand. Please note that a minimum 50-minute attendance is required to be eligible for a certificate of completion.

What is the difference between Corporate membership & Individual membership?

Corporate memberships are Corporate organizations that have partnered with the Work Wellness Institute to have access to membership benefits for all its employees. This membership includes additional perks beyond the individual membership. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are 1 vote per organization.

For more information regarding the unique benefits of a corporate membership, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Individual memberships are directly affiliated with Work Wellness Institute and include voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The list of individual membership benefits can be found at the top of the membership page membership page

Do you have any further inquiries regarding memberships or certifications?

Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

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